Monday, July 30, 2007

"it ain't worth it"...
And the words ring in my head over and over and over again..The voice isn't mine though...But the tears are...
My question can we decide beforehand whether something is worth our effort and time...Thats what time is doing for us (outsourcing)... How can we say something isn't worthwhile? How can it be when you, in the first place, don't want it to be worthwhile.. When you're looking for that one not-so-perfect moment...and then SNAP!...
Who are you? And who am I?
That, my dear, is the question..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey soup,

Came across your blog today, and I liked the way you express things so freely, and yet, lines that make you stop and ponder.

As for your question, IMHO, there is no deciding what is worthwhile. As with the best laid plans of mice and men, nothing turns out perfectly the way you imagine. It's just something that some call gut feeling, others call inner belief, and some even interpret as insanity. Nothing's real, but what you make of it. And you are, what you make of yourself as well. Hope I wasn't too vague there :)

As one of my friends always says at the end of his blogs, Cheers to life!!!