shattered...the glass shatters...yet again...some problem in my hand...keep throwing the ball at the glass again...wht don't i see it yet??...why don't i realise that it ain't resilient?..
or do i see it?..
questions and questions...with no answers...
Yes you do see the glass but still throw the ball at it with a ray of hope that this time it will go thru. I guess its difficult to accept the situation. The present situation is as it should be. If we fight against it, we fight against everything and eventually you'll find glasses everywhere.
Accept the present, take it in your stride,make it a learning exp and hop on to something new.
The answers are all around us soup.
throwing the pink Love ball @ a heart shaped Glass pane !!! it takes a lot of time for the glass pane(read pain) to heal... and yet again we see another pink Love ball... :)
we all do it... we are all born to be loved... it's human...
all we have to do is to find the Love ball that is pink from within also....
maybe d answers r in d questions itself...
or maybe ur searching fr more questions rather than lukin fr d answers to dese....
or maybe d questions emselves r d answers n ur lukin fr d questions to fit em in...
too philosophical...is it??
did u read my previous blog regardin this???
love?...whr d hell does tht cum frm?
not too philo if u think frm my point of view...mayb ur rite...mayb not...
mayb im just too dumb!
maybe..m sure dts a definite maybe(ooh i sooo love dese oxymorons:D):D:D,,btw dts wt it shud b,comes frm a gal afterall:D
the anon here is 'ME' :P.... my cellphone doesn't allow me to login to blogger while commenting.
Hope now you know the answer to your question.
oh no... i didn't intend to pick on your thoughts. that was totally my perception... i read you post and retofitted the same in my... not so sane life.
'love' was a wild horse...
wht do u mean tht shd be??
tht i m dumb>???
yeah...i knw ab toh...u hv read tht post i m talkin abt...
yes the answers r here...or rather the questions r definin d answers....
uhuh....not so sane life kyu???
it's quiet a roller-coaster ride right now... shit happens!!! but then the best part is that, shit aint happening for the first time... i know its a 'phase'... it'll be fun when it goes away.
i remember visiting your blog a few months back. you write well!
i neva said dt btw..did i??
js acknowledged d fact dt ur a gal...arent u..??n dare i say mor...;)do i need to;)??hehe..
btw,seems u luv increasing ur comments' no.,maybe dts y u reply to each of dese via a separate comment...n dis one's a definite maybe fr sure:D:D:D
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