"Do you ever get this feeling that no one understands you. The real you, the you that hides deep inside you, that you, you yourself dread? I feel like that. Normally in a day to day life it doesn't show. Its only when I'm depressed, low and lonely that my alinenationcatches up with me."
"Do you ever get this feeling that no one understands you. The real you, the you that hides deep inside you, that you, you yourself dread?
No, if you get this feeling then scream and let people know you.
Why do u get depressed and lonely?
I think you've got loads of people to be with, to talk to. and yes if you wanna chat sometimes add me in too..these days I am actually online whole day.(rspr97@yahoo.com)
I miss my delhi days...every time I was about to go in my shell with my low self esteem bouts. I would just rush to Barista, order walnut brownie with hot choc sauce with a scoop of vanila iceeecream, pick up the guitar and start singing with my vocal chords going haywire.
hey ankur...thnx yaar...
but i guess the person for whom this was meant wud never read it... thts life i guess :) sad but true...
sometimes screaming can snap things...cut off that string...misinterpretation....d screaming action is mostly perceived as an insult...not as a cry to look beyond what they see...
why i feel lonely...hmmm...there are certain times like those....i reason i dont knw...prolly because the people around me are here just for the sake of being there...d moment we dont have to be together....it'll be over...maybe its tht very fear....
what i do when lonely n depressed...i sit alone...actually lie down...n cry....take out a piece of ppr...n write everything down...n then burn it later...coz theres no1 who could read it and understand it...
as it is...people beleive telling everything about yourself is like passing on d burdens in your life to someone else....
thts life...sad but true...
Hmmm I know it really gets difficult at times and yes you do need people around you. But then don't ever make yourself dependent on them.
I did this earlier and that was the start of my doomed days....
there are 100 of things to do in this world for urself, things that you've always wanted to do, things that would make you happy. Get in to them.
why i feel lonely...hmmm...there are certain times like those....i reason i dont knw...prolly because the people around me are here just for the sake of being there
your reason of loneliness is just the freakin people. Yay I thought it was something too complicated... u dumbo, idiot, blah blah and more blah.
sorry for the information overload but I'd like you to read this, this is what took me out and I am sure will help you toooooooooo.
what i do when lonely n depressed...i sit alone...actually lie down...n cry....take out a piece of ppr...n write everything down...n then burn it later...coz theres no1 who could read it and understand it...
So when you are depressed you really get in a mood to do more depressing acts..... BLAH BLAH BLAH AGAIN.
Common sweetheart just make a list of 100 things that make you happy. whenever you start to get in that shell.... pick up the things from that list and do it.
The thing that I love out of my list is going for a cold shower and sing on the highest vocal chords I can. :)
I love you for burning that paper down where you get out all your frustration. after doing this don't ever look back on the same things.
I hope you don't want to publish a book of those notes.
and I feel it otherwise.... when people talk to others its not transferring the burdens its same thing as writing the stuff on paper. Here you talk the same stuff with people and you feel light.
neither do i feel its transferring burdens...but yes...some people do feel that...
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