Wednesday, November 29, 2006

she hoped ...

she hoped that day that it would rain...that it would rain and she would smell the freshly soaked earth...that it would rain and she would try catching a glimpse of that rare rainbow...that it would rain and she would see the grey skies...and that night, she slept with that hope...but it didn't rain...
she being the person she was, wished for the skies to pour the next day... but they didn' she wished and hoped the next day...and the next...and the next...

tired...she lost hope and decided to seclude herself...seclude herself from the rest...not to look up at the skies like the others...not to hope that the first rain drop would touch her face...and that night...she slept without her usual wish...

she shut the windows and the resist that temptation inside look at the skies...

and that day it rained...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

the past few days...have gone racing by...the files and vivas n syllabus makes little sense right now...despite the exams' dagger hanging overhead now...

its been a different time altogether...say the past 6-7 though i've seen life in a different light...n now...i want to delve into the explore the pros and cons...

recently...i again saw the bitchy irritating and diplomatic side of females...n its pathetic...they r true bitches...each and every one of them in IGIT...the status ought to be converted to a bitching institute...
there was CAT...went OK...infact better than i expected and deserved...

and despite all this...i walked this road with people i never knew so well...with people i know are my friends...with whom i never got to spend a lot of time...but theres something connecting us...sanyal...bengali...rammy mummy...

spending the last year in college is strange...unique is the experience in its own least for me...for on one hand, i am relieved i wont have to see these hypocrite faces after 6 months...and yet...thinking where would my small gang be...!!
(taken from: rahul)
i came across this article on the internet...

Child Abuse

Abuse is not just something that's learned from living with abusive parents. Suffering through abuse also appears to permanently lower the brain's production of an important regulator of emotions called serotonin. Low serotonin can make people more prone to acts of rejection, impulsive aggression and violence.